package com.vaadin.demo;
import com.vaadin.Application;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener;
import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
* A simple calculator using Vaadin.
public class Calc extends Application implements ClickListener {
// All variables are automatically stored in the session.
private double current = 0.0;
private double stored = 0.0;
private char lastOperationRequested = 'C';
// User interface components
private final Label display = new Label("0.0");
* Application.init is called once for each application. Here it creates the
* UI and connects it to the business logic.
public void init() {
// Create the main layout for our application (4 columns, 5 rows)
final GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(4, 5);
* Create the main window for the application using the main layout. The
* main window is shown when the application is starts.
setMainWindow(new Window("Calculator Application", layout));
// Create a result label that over all 4 columns in the first row
layout.addComponent(display, 0, 0, 3, 0);
// The operations for the calculator in the order they appear on the
// screen (left to right, top to bottom)
String[] operations = new String[] { "7", "8", "9", "/", "4", "5", "6",
"*", "1", "2", "3", "-", "0", "=", "C", "+" };
for (String caption : operations) {
// Create a button and use this application for event handling
Button button = new Button(caption);
// Add the button to our main layout
// Event handler for button clicks. Called for all the buttons in the
// application.
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Get the button that was clicked
Button button = event.getButton();
// Get the requested operation from the button caption
char requestedOperation = button.getCaption().charAt(0);
// Calculate the new value
double newValue = calculate(requestedOperation);
// Update the result label with the new value
// Calculator "business logic" implemented here to keep the example minimal
private double calculate(char requestedOperation) {
if ('0' <= requestedOperation && requestedOperation <= '9') {
current = current * 10
+ Double.parseDouble("" + requestedOperation);
return current;
switch (lastOperationRequested) {
case '+':
stored += current;
case '-':
stored -= current;
case '/':
stored /= current;
case '*':
stored *= current;
case 'C':
stored = current;
lastOperationRequested = requestedOperation;
current = 0.0;
if (requestedOperation == 'C') {
stored = 0.0;
return stored;